Source : FLW ウェブサイト(画像をお借りしています。)、Outdoor Alabama、Aquafind


Alabama bass also have taken root in Texas, but only in one lake. Lake Alan Henry, a 2,900-acre reservoir near Lubbock, was stocked with 150 adult Alabama bass in 1996 as part of an experiment. Like many other lakes across the state, Alan Henry does not have a spotted bass population.
In January 2016, a 5.98-pound state record caught there underwent genetics testing to determine its origin. The test showed the fish to have pure Alabama bass DNA, linking it to the stocking that was performed 20 years earlier.
In light of the AFS ruling designating Alabama bass as a distinct species, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) elected to establish separate records and regulations categories for Alabama bass that become effective Sept. 1, 2017.
Craig Bonds, TPWD inland fisheries director, says the decision to create a separate category for Alabama bass was the only logical thing to do.
“Our policy is to follow fish species designations based on the names of fishes prescribed by the AFS,” Bonds says. “Following a state record submission for the catch of a supposed spotted bass from Lake Alan Henry in 2016, where Alabama bass were stocked in 1996, we felt it appropriate to add Alabama bass as a species in our black bass regulations, as well as make the change to our Angler Recognition Program [which recognizes fish records and other notable catches throughout Texas].”

For years, TPWD fisheries scientists have relied on genetics testing to sort out pure Florida bass from intergrades turned into the agency’s high-profile Toyota ShareLunker program. Officials there maintain the belief that such testing using a fin clip or scale is the only definitive way to tell the difference between spotted bass, Alabama bass and their hybrids.
“It’s a misnomer among some of the angling public that you can positively identify species by looking at shape, coloration and things like that,” Bonds says. “The only definitive way to differentiate species for black bass that readily hybridize with each other is through genetics testing.”

The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA), one of the only state agencies to currently recognize spotted bass and Alabama bass separately in its record books, went a similar route as Texas officials when this issue arose.
The agency lists a 6-pound, 1-ounce fish caught from Lake Chickamauga in 2011 as the state record for spotted bass. A 7-pounder caught from Parksville Reservoir in 2014 holds the Tennessee state record for Alabama bass. According to Frank Fiss, inland fisheries chief with the TWRA, both fish were verified for species through genetics testing.
In Parksville, which is upstream of Chickamauga, Alabama bass were illegally introduced, and Fiss verified that some Alabama bass DNA has been found in Chickamauga. The tests were necessary to verify species.

The CDFW has chosen to take a different route. According to Fish, that agency now places spotted bass and Alabama bass under the same records heading in California rather than opting for genetics testing to verify the origin of record-class fish.
“Genetic work is near a necessity for absolute confirmation of species,” Fish said via e-mail. “CDFW does not have the resources to do genetic work on state record applications at this time. For this reason both species are combined in one record category to preserve accuracy.”
At this point, there’s no evidence that there’s any genetic material available from Dulleck’s trophy fish for positive species identification.
“I found no records of authorized stocking of any spotted bass into New Bullards Bar other than [the then recognized] Alabama spotted bass I referenced in an earlier email,” Fish added in a later email message.
“I believe the kokanee are probably a superior forage for large bass, and many of the lakes that support trophy spot/Alabama fisheries also support kokanee fisheries. I believe it is likely that the big spots we’ve seen recently are Alabama bass or Alabama hybrids, but I have not done the thorough record search on the other lakes as I have done on Bullards.”
The fate of IGFA’s newest world record appears to be up in the air. Is the fish a spot, Alabama bass or some sort of hybrid? In any case, it’s one whale of a fish well deserving of a mountain of recognition. Only time will tell how this one shakes out.
Have a Great Fishing!
サブイズム-Sabuism (原)
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