











『Understanding bass forage: Crawfish』を解説











Knowing the mating and molting rituals of crawfish will give you the upper hand when using imitation baits.





Most bass anglers use crawfish imitations without a very clear understanding of why they should be throwing them, and more importantly when. All of us know that crawfish lures are often effective and sometimes the only go-to bait of the day. But to truly understand when you need to use a crawfish bait, you have to understand why bass eat them and when this forage is most appetizing to the quarry anglers seek.








(敢えて原文を載せて、そこに当方の感想も載せる形式の方が生の情報が伝わるかと思い、このような形式にしています。ですが、見にくいとか、こうしたらという御意見がありましたら、是非宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m)



Crawfish are everywhere: ditches, frequently flooded agricultural fields, almost all ponds and, of course, your favorite impoundment or river. There’s not a state in the contiguous 48 that doesn’t have millions of them swimming around feeding the local bass populous, not to mention Cajuns and the occasional Cajun wannabe.



Intimate knowledge of crawfish behavior will empower you to fully exploit baits that imitate this popular dinner item of bass — and going back to science class is your ticket to information. Bassmaster wants to take you back to school with some of the most knowledgeable freshwater lobster men in the industry. Keep in mind that the parameters, times and conditions that will be discussed vary from water to water, subspecies to subspecies and latitude to latitude.





Like all creatures, crawfish are determined to mate, eat and protect themselves from predators. Understanding the timing of these events is key to consistently taking bass on crawfish imitations.



岩の上がこの上無く好き(Love on the rocks)

February through May is the first major period of crawfish activity, based on geographic location. When the water temperature reaches approximately 50 degrees, crawfish emerge from rock crevices into the great wide open and begin looking for receptive females.





Many of the emerging crawfish males and females are still sexually active from the previous fall. What’s significant about this two to three week period in spring (depending on rising water temperature), is that it’s one of the few times males walk on top of rocks, exposing themselves to bass.



Trapping studies have revealed that below 45 degrees, crawfish have little to no activity while buried in mud burrows or rock crevices. But when the water rises to 50 degrees, it’s a whole new ballgame.



Where will bass be picking off these vulnerable mudbugs? Rocks will point the way. It may sound oversimplified, but rocky substrate has the highest concentration of exposed crawfish, which in turn translates to the greatest numbers of feeding bass.

(では、どこでこの脆弱な泥ザリをバスは狙っていくのでしょうか? 「岩」がその場所なんです。あまりにも簡単に聞こえるかもしれませんが、岩盤の上は無防備なザリガニの密集地なんであり、それと同様に多くのフィーディングバスの集まる場所でもあるのです。  )


Prime conditions in most bass watersheds combine 50 degree average water temperature with rocks clean of silt or mud. Unlike bass that clean their spawning ground with their tails, crawfish rely on current or wave action to do their housework.



The rocks must be clean to open up caves that can create endless lattices of spawning habitat. That may be at 3 feet of water on a wind-swept point, or at 30 feet on a small hump in the middle of the lake.



Whether you’re fishing in Alabama in February or Michigan in May, the formulation of season, clean rock and ideal temperature is guaranteed to attract most of the mating crawfish — and feeding bass — in the area.









Depending on the species, crawfish can and will spawn in mud. However, they rarely do so if clean, rocky habitat is available.



One of the ways bass locate crawfish is by sound. “A crawfish moving on a rock makes a tapping/clicking noise. Bass use this sound to locate crawfish,” said Tertuliani.





Crawfish also are light sensitive. Water clarity and penetrating sunlight are key ingredients to active, quality habitat. If the prime habitat happens to be in shallow water or is more exposed to direct sunlight, low light or cloudy days often provide better fishing than bright afternoons.















Have a Great Fishing!

Sabuism (原)

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米国のB.A.S.S.やFLW記事を中心に記事を執筆しています。時には、プロ記者や、トーナメントプロの記事を翻訳していることもあります。また日本のトーナメントやタックルインプレッションについても記載しています。 Hey, Guys. B.A.S.S. preliminary report is written in this blog. Not only tournament article, but also I introduce very very cool Japanese lures to everyone! Don't miss it!!!! ©Copyright Sabuism