本日は津久井湖でとあるルアーを除いて、一人H-1グランプリを敢行しております。ルアーサイズはベビーミノーからガンタレルまで(笑) どんだけやねんという感じですがw
Source : Bassmaster Website
- 1 リッククランB.A.S S.史上15度目の優勝
- 2 What young anglers need to know about Rick Clunn
- 3 No One Has Fished More B.A.S.S. Events
- 4 He made the Classic classic
- 5 He shared the spotlight with POTUS (=President of the United Statesの意味です。)
- 6 He posted the most dominant Classic performance in history
- 7 He has 15 B.A.S.S. wins
- 8 He won ESPN’s Greatest Angler Debate
- 9 Clunn dominates the B.A.S.S. record books
- 10 Clunn and AOY
- 11 The short lists
リッククランB.A.S S.史上15度目の優勝

本日のBASSのサイトでは、Ken Duke(ケン・デューク)さんという記者が興味深い記事を書かれていました。
What young anglers need to know about Rick Clunn
If you’re younger than 35 or 40, or didn’t start following professional bass fishing
until the last decade or so, you’ve missed a lot, and I feel bad for you.
The sport’s been around a lot longer than that, and a lot of its brightest moments
took place before the Internet was there to cover them.
Rick Clunn’s win at the 2016 Bassmaster Elite Series event on the St. Johns River
has caused a resurgence in interest in his career. Long a fan and media favorite, his accomplishments may not be so well known to the latest generation of bass fanatics.(先日のリックの優勝は彼のキャリアへの興味を改めて誘うものとなっています。最近のバスファンにとっては彼の偉業はあまり知られていないかもしれません。)
Let’s fix that.(さあ、勉強し直しましょう!)
例によって、一部分ずつ青文字で英訳していきます。 英語マスターではない為、意訳・誤訳は御許し下さい!
No One Has Fished More B.A.S.S. Events
In his 42-year career, no one has fished
more B.A.S.S. events that Clunn – 423 in all following the Elite Series stop at
the St. Johns River. Gary Klein has the next most appearances, but trails by
more than 30. Fewer than a dozen anglers have fished more than 300 B.A.S.S.
He made the Classic classic
In the early days of the Bassmaster Classic, the big gripe (even in Bassmaster Magazine) was that the big names
never won the showcase event. Bobby Murray was an unknown when he won in 1971.
Ditto for Don Butler in ’72, Rayo Breckenridge in ’73, Tommy Martin in ’74 and
Jack Hains in ’75. Where were Bill Dance, Roland Martin and Tom Mann – the
early stars? It seemed like one of the big names would never win. But by
winning back-to-back in 1976 and 1977, Clunn showed the bass fishing world that
the Classic didn’t need an established star because it could create stars of
its own. Clunn used the Classic stage to build his legend like no one before or
Clunn was the subject of the most iconic
photo in B.A.S.S. history. In 1984, he won his third Bassmaster Classic in
record-setting fashion. But looking back on the achievement, it’s almost
overshadowed by the fact that Clunn was flanked by George H.W. Bush (then Vice
President of the United States) and Bill Clinton (then Governor of Arkansas).
Bush and Clinton were merely extras in the shots – a couple of pols trying to
scrounge up some votes – but Clunn was the focal point as he made history on
the Arkansas River. Who knew that both of the on-stage fish handers would
advance to the White House?
He posted the most dominant Classic performance in history
The same year he shared the stage with two
future presidents, Clunn turned in the most impressive and dominant Bassmaster
Classic performance in history. On all three days of competition he had the
heaviest catch, saving his best for last – his Day 3 catch was the biggest of
the entire event. In the end, Clunn outdistanced his closest competitor by 25
pounds, 8 ounces and set a record for total weight (75-9) that still stands.
He has 15 B.A.S.S. wins
Fifteen is a big number when it comes to
career B.A.S.S. wins. How big? Well, only Kevin VanDam (20), Roland Martin (19)
and Denny Brauer (17) have more.
He won ESPN’s Greatest Angler Debate
Back in 2005, ESPN owned B.A.S.S. and
conducted a program called ESPN’s Greatest Angler Debate. It started with a
list of 35 anglers who were short-listed as the best of all-time. From there a
“blue-ribbon panel” of fishing media pared the list down to 10. Then it was
opened up to online voting by fans. The top 10 finishers, in order, were Rick
Clunn, Roland Martin, Bill Dance, Denny Brauer, Kevin VanDam, Larry Nixon, Hank
Parker, Jay Yelas, Gary Klein and Mark Davis. The winner was announced just
before the 2005 Bassmaster Classic in Pittsburgh. Clunn won in a landslide!
(2005年にB.A.S.S.がESPNによって買収されました。その際にESPN主催で偉大なアングラーによるディベート番組を実施。 35名居たリストが10名に絞られ、最終的にオンラインでの投票により順位が確定。その中で圧倒的な差をつけてクランが優勝。)
Clunn dominates the B.A.S.S. record books
Clunn is a dominant name in the B.A.S.S.
record books. Let’s start with 32 Bassmaster Classic appearances – two more
than Gary Klein. Then there are 28 consecutive Classic appearances (1974-2001)
– four more than Kevin VanDam (1991-2014). And of course, he has four Classic
wins (tied with KVD). Those are just some of the biggest highlights.
Clunn and AOY
Clunn’s only AOY title came in 1988, but
the lack of those trophies belies his success. In the early part of Clunn’s
career, AOY carried little in the way of financial reward. Sometimes the AOY
got nothing at all; other times he won $1,000 or so. Clunn’s focus was on the
Classic – the most lucrative tournament in the sport. Nevertheless, he finished
in the Top 25 of AOY in 29 different seasons. Gary Klein and Larry Nixon are
tied for second at 23. Clunn was in the Top 10 of AOY 22 times. KVD trails with
20. For 28 years in a row (1974-2001), Clunn finished in the Top 25 of AOY. The
next best is Larry Nixon with “just” 18.(クランは1988年の1回しかAOYを獲得していない。しかし、そのトロフィーの欠如が彼に多くの成功をもたらした。クランの経歴の早い段階において、AOYは報酬という点では殆どなにもない。なにも見返りがない場合もある。あったとしても1000米ドル(10万)そこそこであった。にも関わらず、彼は、TOP25を29回の異なるシーズンで達成。ラリーニクソンが2番目で23回。クランはTOP10においては、22回のAOYで達成。ケビン・バンダムが20回。クランの次としては、ラリーニクソンが挙げられます。)
The short lists
Clunn is on just about every meaningful
“short list” in B.A.S.S. history. He’s one of only 11 anglers to win both an
AOY and a Classic. He’s one of five to win multiple Classics, one of two to win
back-to-back Classics, one of five to complete the B.A.S.S. Grand Slam (AOY,
Classic, $1 million in prize money and the Century Club – more than 100 pounds
of bass in an event). And none of the other four has also earned the B.A.S.S.
Outstanding Achievement Award. (Clunn was its first recipient in 2002.)
(クランはB.A.S.S史上どの有意義な”ショートリスト”にも名を連ねています。彼は11人しかいない数少ないAOYとクラシックの両方の優勝経験を持ちます。クラシック複数優勝は5人の内の1人。連続優勝は、2人の内の1人。またB.A.S.S史上のグランドスラム達成者5人の内の1人(AOY,クラシック、1億円の賞金獲得、そしてCentury Clubがあります。)それ以外でもクランはB.A.S.Sの最も偉業を成し遂げた人に贈られる賞も
Best of all, Clunn isn’t finished – not by
a long shot if the St. Johns River is any indication. He’s evolving, adapting
and adjusting to the conditions he faces and to the changes he’s seen in 42
years on the tournament trail. He’s also in outstanding position to qualify for
his 33rd Bassmaster Classic, where he’ll certainly be a sentimental favorite.
But Clunn doesn’t compete to be a sentimental favorite. Count on his being a
real factor and a meaningful threat to win his fifth world championship.
Most of all, know that when you watch Rick
Clunn compete, you’re seeing one of the all-time greats, still competing at an
extraordinarily high level.
Sabuism (Yo)
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